Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Storyboard - Killers

The Killers  Opening Scene 

Here are sketch plans of the 58 second sequence of the film The Killers (2010) following frame by frame in seconds.

The opening to the Killers is 58 seconds long so in our storyboard we took that into mind and constructed a detailed sketch of the opening to refer to when we reenact and record our own adaptation. I've taken into account that not all shots such as mid shot or extreme close up have to be particularly long as this will bore the audience whose attention to the film will not be kept long if you focus on one particular subject or person for a long time. 

Consequently most of our mid shots and close ups are brisk and to the point with a maximum recording time of 3 seconds as I feel that focusing on unimportant things such as a mid shot of a crowd will draw the attention away from the crucially important scenes and the viewer wont be able to distinguish which part is important or not. 

However, scenes that were important such as the french dictionary left on the bench by the mysterious man with the glasses we focused more on; this will give the audience the rightful impression that the book is important somehow to the story line of the film and will keep them intrigued as to why such a unsentimental object is important. 

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