Thursday, 29 March 2012

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Typical conventions of thriller film opening includes a title sequence of distributers, associated film companies, casting directors, actors, costume designers, director of photography etc. Also conventionally it would open with suspenseful eerie music so audiences can identify it is a thriller. Opening shots of a thriller have many close-ups gathered from our research of thriller openings like the psychological film ‘Memento’ which has close up shots of symbolic items:

Close up of a polaroid photo suggests this is an investigative movie.

A close up of a bullet connoting violence.

In ‘Memento’ there is a close up of the protaganist in the opening shot with a serious facial expression.

In our thriller opening we applied the same conventions. In this screen shot there is a close up of a medal tin which represents the theme of the thriller which is a young mans obsession with war.

In our opening scene, we made sure we had a few close ups of our main character, similarly to ‘Memento’ opening.

Our opening follows the conventions of film openings, we used graphics to show the production company at the beginning:

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